So far, I love this vehicle. I was going to sell it because we got the new house – and I wanted to lower monthly bills. But I’ve decided to keep it. We’ll roll with one older car (Saturn) and one newer car (HHR) – makes sense to have one reliable vehicle in the mix.

I have only three “gripes” about the HHR:

  1. The cup holders are stupidly placed right near the emergency brake – I drive a 5 speed HHR, and this isn’t good. Always gets coffees in the way.
  2. The snow, in the winter, gets inside the door panels/body too easily and freezes – causing door opening problems. When I open the driver’s door the lower corner of the door, if the snow is frozen, grinds into the ice/snow. It sounds like the sheet metal is being crunched, but it hasn’t caused any damage – yet :S
  3. The driver’s/passenger’s windows freezes up WAY too easy. Even with a light dusting of snow, it seems that it easily freezes the window to the seal – which denies the lowering of windows unless you let it warm up for a while.

It is a pain in the ass, especially during winter – or if the snow melts into water, then freezes into ice. You really have to watch it.

Other than those three reasons (2 of which are weather related), it has been trouble free and drives great – it’s good on gas, and has lots of space too.

2007 Chevy HHR LS with Silverstone Metallic